

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tool #11

Digital Citizenship:

Being a good digital citizen is a very imperative tool to teach. Modeling good digital citizenship is very important for students to observe, using videos to demonstrate appropriate digital citizenship allows students to have another visual for reinforcing what's appropriate and what's not and even providing role play opportunities for students to practice good digital citizenship can be effective in teaching this concept. Three things I would like my students to know about being a good digital citizen are:

* Give credit where credit is due when using sources such as photos, ideas, videos etc. Do not take credit for something that is not your original idea or concept.

* Be responsible. Make sure your have parental consent when using various sites at home and have consent from your teacher when at school. Be careful about what you publish and release. Once you send something out you can't take it back, so think and make good choices. Remember to represent yourself with excellence.

*When you're unsure about something....ASK...better to be safe than sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing the project! I love how supportive you've been to the other team members. They've read your blog and are encouraged by your comments. I love your pictures, your wordle, and the efforts you have made to this space. I know that the work that you've done on this project will help you, your peers, and your students this next year and for years to come. Keep exploring and sharing!
